The KFC Double Down. 2 chicken breasts, cheese, bacon and special sauce. That's it. No bun. I'm here to say that I have tried it and lived! So now I will attempt to give answers to exaggerated questions.
1. Don't you feel your arteries hardening? No. But it was salty and all the salt overpowered the sauce which, I'm sure, can't be good for the blood pressure. If KFC used a different batter and fryer so the chicken wasn't dredged in salt and then fried in salt, it wouldn't be so bad. I did take out a glass of water or two while eating it though.
2. You're gonna die if you eat that. You know that, right? I'm still kickin'. This question was asked to the person who tried the first thickburger from Hardees and the Monster omlete sandwich from burger king. And probably our mothers from various times in our lives where dinner became a mission of mass consumption vs just being a meal.
3. It's like a heart attack on a plate. Why would you eat that? I will give a classic male answer to that. BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT! Also, how is it any different from a two or three piece chicken dinner? Aside from the fact that there are no sides with the double down.
4. Shouldn't you eat some greens with that? Sure. You buying? The sandwich alone is over $5. And could you get me some mashed potatoes and a sweet tea while you're up there? Thanks. Truth is when I bought it, I did go to the store and buy a salad.
5. So you really are going to put that junk in your body? Junk? Junk, you say? The chicken has protein. I think there is protein in bacon. The cheese has vitamin D and the sauce... well... How about them Dodgers!? Ok so it's not the healthiest thing in the world. It's not like I've had it for every meal every day.
6. So I guess you are what you eat, then? I guess so. Hi. My name is Louis and I'm a chicken.
KFC's Double Down bet pays off
*photo from AP
I feel so sorry for you. you are the worst example how the Americans are now living with all the diseases of not eating healthy . You do know that 1/3 of American are overweight/obese today, right?
You do know that # 1 killer of Americans are heart attack or related cornorary diseases, right?
yes, you don't get heart attack from one meal, but what about the 25% of the population that eat fastfood every single day?
you have a lot to learn,.....
"Some have questioned the sandwiches' nutritional value. The original version has 540 calories and 32 grams of fat, and 1,380 milligrams of salt. A grilled version cuts calories to 460 and fat to 23 grams, but sodium rises to 1,430 milligrams. By comparison, the Big Mac from McDonald's has 540 calories, 29 grams of fat and 1,040 milligrams of sodium."
All I can say is "EEEEEWWWWW!!!!"
I'm all set with that, thank you very much. Plus the way they treat their chickens is atrocious enough.
Really Looks FRIED!!
Too funny...you made me laugh :)
Now....be good and go eat a salad!
That's the spirit, Cindy! Yes, I actually enjoyed the salad. One of these days, I'm going to try a salad using lemon juice and light olive oil as a dressing... I don't know though, I'm more of a ranch or italian kind of guy. That Kraft Greek dressing is great for marinades though.
Lemon juice and olive oil might be the "best" choice but, well...yuck! Try Ken's, he has a great line of dressings and they are all low in sugar, only about 2 - 3 grams.
Go Dogers! Just stay away from the hot dogs...those things will kill ya!
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