Monday, September 19, 2011

International Talk Like A Pirate Day Music: Alestorm

Arr, matey! In a never ending quest to give recognition to anything and everything, National Talk Like A Pirate Day has become something of an addictive oddity. Basically, it all started in 1995 and involved a few guys and a racquetball sports injury. Curious? Read up on the origin here.

Being that it is International Talk Like A Pirate Day, who better to listen to than a pirate rock group. Yes you heard me. Pirate Rock. Check out the band, Alestorm. The first time I listened, I laughed. The second time, I started to sing along. By the third listen, I was ready to pillage and plunder! Remember, it's only music and should not be used as a soundtrack to making people walk the plank.

Check out the Alestorm video for "Keelhauled."

Buy the song or album on iTunes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Love it or Hate it: "Fu-Gee-La" by Fugees

The Score

Buy the song or album on iTunes.

Watch the video.

"Ooh la la la. It's the way that we rock when we doin' our thing!" This was the first song I ever ruined stereo speakers with. Thank goodness blowing the speakers was covered under the warranty. This song and the album bring back some great memories. I love it.

Here are the thoughts from music loving colleagues:

Darrell Alston: Love it. It has to be one of the top 10 albums of all time.

Yvonne Lucado: I like it. It reminds me of Caron Wheeler in the group Soul II Soul. They sang "Keep On Movin'" and "Back To Life."

Malika Comfort: I like it. That was my first introduction to Lauryn Hill. Wish she never left the industry.

So that's 4-0 for Fugees' "Fu-Gee-La." Tell us what you think about it.

Love it or Hate it: "Groove Is In The Heart" by Deee-Lite

"Groove Is In The Heart"
World Clique

Buy the song or album on iTunes.

Watch the video.

Some would argue that Deee-Lite is not a one hit wonder however, I can't seem to find another person who remembers another song by her. My first introduction to this song was at a skating rink. I remember hearing it at least 3 times in the 2 hours I was there. I still love the song.

Here are the thoughts from music loving colleagues:

Andrew Bonner: I love it. It hit me at that time in my life where it was OK!

Gwen Jones: I guess I'd have to say I kinda like it.

Darrell Alston: It's alright. I used to love it when I was a kid.

Jason Burns: I hate it. It's all because of the video. If I had never seen the video, I'd like the song.

So that's 4-1 in favor of Dee-Lite's "Groove Is In The Heart." Tell us what you think about it.

Friday, September 9, 2011

All music mattered after 9/11.

In 2001, I ran an open mic night at a local music club. Sept. 13 was the usual night and the owners debated having the open mic night at all that week. I told them to go ahead. That night we had more people come in and sign up to play music than to sit and listen. One person came in and sang "Imagine" by John Lenon acapella.

2 days before, I was the classic stereotype of a musician. Asleep face down in the pillow with guitar beside me on the bed. My girlfriend ran into the bedroom and woke me up yelling that the world trade center had been hit. With the rest of the world, I watched as the second tower was hit, the pentagon was hit and Flight 93 went down. For the first time that I know of, cable tv stations were going dark. QVC went off the air, MTV and various other music stations switched to the newscasts of their parent companies.

When the announcement that all flights were grounded and U.S. airspace was locked down, I went in to work at the local newspaper. It was my day off, but I knew we were going to be putting something out about it. I would've worked for free that day.

10 years later, some things fade from memory... What I was wearing, what I did when I got off work. One thing I do remember is not playing any music for two days.

I had nothing to say through music. At the open mic night, I can't remember what I played. I do remember letting other musicians borrow my guitars for a few songs. I remember one large jam at the end of the night for one reason. No one said anything. Drums were beat, guitars and bass were strummed, piano, flute, harmonica and sax got in on the action. The music was upbeat and normally a spoken word poet or a freestyle rapper would jump on the mic, but not that night.

Maybe for that brief time, everything that needed to be said could be done by a note or a chord. A minor, F, C, G. On Sept. 13, that was how a bunch of musicians talked to each other. That was a great conversation.

*image from CNN

Why Jay-Z's music still mattered on 9/11

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Labor Day weekend menu!

I'm thinking more "surf and turf" this year. T-bone, lobster tails, potato salad, baked beans, fresh corn chips, pico de gallo and spinach salad. This year, the garlic butter and pico de gallo will be a hit.

Garlic Butter
1 room temp stick of butter unsalted
4 cloves of garlic
1/4 cup of Italian seasoning

Toss the 4 cloves of garlic in the food processor along with the butter and Italian seasoning. Blend for 1 to 2 minutes. Remove garlic butter from processor and place on a sheet of plastic wrap. Cover and mold into a round log formation. Let it sit in the fridge for at least an hour.

The longer you wait, the more the flavors blend. I usually let it sit for a day or two. The garlic butter can now be sliced into medallions for placement on a hot steak or melted for dipping lobster.

Pico de Gallo
12 Roma tomatoes
1 med onion (red, white, yellow... your preference. Red for less sharpness)
4 sprigs of cilantro
1 jalapeno (optional for hot)
1 zest of lime (optional for citrus essence)
pinch of sea salt (optional)

Slice tomatoes in half length wise and use a spoon to clean out the seeds. Dice tomatoes and place in metal or plastic mixing bowl. Dice onion and place in mixing bowl. Finely chop the cilantro and toss it in with the tomatoes and onion. Sprinkle some sea salt on top and mix. Place bowl in fridge to let flavors mingle for at least an hour before serving. Goes great with corn chips and can be used as it's own side dish or garnish.

A citrus tea will add a little something extra to the party.

Citrus Tea
1 lime
1 lemon
1 orange
2 cups of sugar
1 gallon pitcher
2-4 tea bags (depending on your preference)

Let tea bags steep in boiled water for 30 minutes. Slice the lime, lemon and orange and place in bottom of pitcher. Pour sugar on top. Remove tea bags and pour tea into pitcher stirring as you go. Fill the rest of the pitcher with water while stirring.

Add an ounce or two of Flor de Cana rum to individual drinks to give guests of legal age a kick.

Any food or drink recipes you are willing to share for this holiday weekend? Let's hear them!

*Image from Fotosearch

Monday, August 29, 2011

Reason #52 that you should become an UFO...

After reading the "Bites on Today" story about annoying ways co-workers eat lunch, I think they are missing one of the biggest and worst offenses to the senses, burnt popcorn.

The problem with burnt popcorn is that the person making it usually sets the microwave on 5 minutes and walks away. At around 3:30, the popcorn is popping strong or on it's last kernels. By 4 minutes, all you hear is the hum of the microwave and thats when it happens. 60 seconds of nonstop, unadulterated burning action wreaking havoc on those who dare to walk past the break area.

By the end of the 5 minute burn, the person who put the popcorn in the microwave has either forgotten that they put it in there, realizes they did and rushes in to see what they can salvage or the worst thing of all... Pretend it wasn't them. They stay quiet. Working along as if they never left their desk meanwhile a foul bomb has been released throughout the office and terrorizing nostrils.

The smell dissapates after 30-40 minutes so it won't ruin your whole day. However, for office space veterans, there may be 3 or more incidents a week and by the end of the week, becoming your own boss and being an UnFranchise® Owner sounds like a great idea. Work your own hours and you'll get to make your own rules... and rule #1 would probably be no popcorn in the microwave.

*Image from Bloomimage/Getty Images/BloomImage RF

The annoying ways our co-workers eat lunch

Friday, August 26, 2011

MTV VMAs go from 'shock and awe' to 'cute and aww'

I rarely ever watch the MTV Video Music Awards. I love to wait til the next day and catch the highlights of what everyone is buzzing about. This year's advertising commercials are definitely surprising in that aspect. I almost want to say they are 'purrfect.'

Instead of ridiculous antics and hosts that may need all 30 seconds of the commercial to remember who their names are, they've been replaced with cats and dogs.

Check out these commercials and tell us what you think.

*Image from WireImage/MTV

Meow! Kittens and puppies re-enact VMA moments

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

No Labor Day plans? Time for a cookout.

Of course the beach will be packed. It is every Labor Day weekend. However, there are other options for traditional end of summer. How about a cook out? Now, how about getting cashback for it?

I remember a time when folks knew their neighbors and would select certain times a year to have a neighborhood cookout. Why not try that again with a Market America twist?

Take a look at the Grocery tab on your portal. I went straight for the meats section. Osso buco, NY strip steaks, filet mignon spring rolls, black angus burgers and mussels. Can you imagine that spread on a weekend afternoon?

There are more than enough groceries on your portal to make your neighbors love you while they are over at the house and to be jealous of you when they leave. Top it off with a variety of MA wines and you'll have the perfect "staycation" without ever leaving the house. Food, drinks and friends delivered to your doorstep.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Have food fight, will travel.

It was 1994 at a Boy Scout camp. I was dinged with a tater tot and then a piece of cantaloupe during breakfast. The scout next to me tried to get away from the onslaught so he stood up in a quick motion knocking me backwards off the picnic table bench. As I was going down, I picked up the bowl of grits and tossed it in the general direction of the offending scouts. It hit their scout leader. What happened next was a food fight you only see in movies.

Even after having to apologize and spend half a day cleaning the mess hall, that was fun. So much so that I would do it again. Eggs in a sling shot, punkin chunkin (throwing pumpkins), baked bean bombs and the ever so classic, pie to the face. These actions bring out the most immature, carefree laugh I could ever get. And that's why I would love to take a trip to Spain for the La Tomatina festival.

In it's basic form, La Tomatina revolves around throwing tomatoes at everyone in 1 to 2 hour increments. A huge truck drives down the street dumping tomatoes out which are immediately thrown at by spectators or tossed up into the air in celebration. Bring a pair of goggles and prepare to get messy. Check out the video here.

In Gloucestershire, England, they have an annual Cheese rolling event where participants chase a rolling cheese wheel down a hill. I'm sure it's fun to compete, but being a spectator would provide for all the entertainment you'd need. See the video here.

Is there a crazy food festival that you have always wanted to attend? Tell us about it and plan your next trip with ma|Travel!

*Image from Juanjo Valverde/MSNBC

World's weirdest food festivals

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Never too early for wedding reception planning

I knew it was going to happen at some point. My girlfriend made a light joke about us getting married. Rather than the stereotypical male response of leaving the room or changing the subject, I had one thought. What would we serve at the reception?

That makes me think of a country farm style wedding on picnic tables and a hootenanny in the barn once the ceremony was over. Nothing like down home farm cooking.

I know shrimp cocktail is played out, but I still like it. It could easily be replaced with a shrimp civeche.

I would also like an Asian themed flaming hibachi style setup as seen in some Japanese restaurants. Some folks don't know how to use chopsticks, however a set of His and Hers for the bride and groom would be kind of interesting.

The first time I heard of the baked potato bar, I thought it would be interesting. Unfortunately, with all the fixings I would pile on my baked potato I can imagine my mother screaming at me from across the room with a look of horror on her face. Some meals aren't meant for social gatherings.

In this MSNBC story, they talk about 10 wedding food cliches and how to avoid them. What is a twist or a new idea you would have for a wedding reception?

*Image from MSNBC/Bvdc/FeaturePics stock

10 wedding food cliches (and how to avoid them)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spotify music debate: Own a piece or rent it all?

"What Spotify is saying is, ownership (of music) is great, but access is the future," Daniel Ek

I'd rather own my music. However, streaming everything does seem to be the wave of the future.

Rent or own? What do you say?

Image from CNN

Spotify founder: Future of music is access, not ownership

Friday, July 15, 2011

The final Harry Potter review

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 closed out the series in fine fashion. Super attack on Hogwarts, character redemption's, dragons, flames, ghosts, explosions, love and sacrifice. I would watch it again. And this comes from someone who hasn't cared for the series at all.

I would announce that this is a spoiler alert, but most of the people reading this have probably already read the book and know how it ends. As such, I will say that according to all of the status updates on Facebook from Potter fans, they got everything right. As for me, I wouldn't have noticed. Here is the nondescript action movie run down.

Lord Voldermort (plaid brilliantly by Ralph Fiennes) steals the super Elder wand from the grave of a powerful wizard. He now has what he needs to destroy the hero, Harry Potter.

Harry, Ron and Hermione (Daniel Radcliffe, Rupurt Grint and Emma Watson) devise a plan to get the last piece of the deathly hallows which includes the Elder wand, cloak of invisibility and cup of resurrection.) This requires help from a troll. From myths and legends, trolls have never been the most trustworthy of creatures and it was proven once again. Inside the vault, Hermione bumps one of the valuables which hits the floor and starts replicating suddenly filling up the room. Harry gets the cup of resurrection and then becomes buried underneath the pile of valuables. He breaks out in heroic fashion and the troll promptly takes cup to make the exchange for a special sword.

So the troll gets away and here come the wizard police shooting at Harry and friends while they try to escape. Hermione comes up with a plan to use the big ol' dragon in the middle of the area. they hop on it's back, break it's chains and fly out of there leaving a path of destruction behind them.

Fast forward past some dramatic moments where they get back to the wizard realm, run into some folks, make their way back into Hogwarts, boost morale of the kids and make a grand appearance after the second bad guy in command, Professor Snape, summons all the kids to threaten them if Harry Potter shows up and no one says anything. Tadaa! Harry shows up.

Another professor defends Harry, running Snape off. Voldermort's essence makes a couple of girls scream and he says he'll leave everyone alone if they give him Harry Potter. Like that's gonna happen. Professors set up a force field around Hogwarts and guard the entrance with stone warriors. Voldermort and a crew of baddies launch a '300' style attack firing wand blasts at the force field. No luck. Harry goes off on a mission to find various jewels that can destroy Voldermort. Ron and Hermione strike the resurrection cup with the tooth of a basilisk. Didn't really understand that part, but the wall of water that blew across them provided for one of those "we almost died" make out sessions between the two. Whatever happened, Voldermort strikes the force field with a wand blast that destroys the force field and cracks the wand while he's at it.

The attack begins. Massive ogres vs stone warriors. A bunch of werewolf type witches and warlocks get blown up on the rear bridge entrance. Chaos ensues. Harry realizes that he must destroy the snake that follows Voldermort before he can take him out. A trip through front battle lines leads to a boat house where Voldermort sends his snake to attack Snape. Why? Power, of course. Since Snape killed Dumbledore, that means Voldermort has to kill Snape for the wand to obey him. Harry and friends hide while this happens and creep in just in time to get a couple tear drops from Snape before he dies.

Voldermort sends out another round of mental messages for his troops to retreat and for Harry to meet him in the woods for a final showdown. Classic, ain't it? Harry drops the tears in a plate of water and dunks his head in. We get to see how Snape falls in love and protects Lilly, Harry's mother, and then gets tossed aside as she falls for the guy who would become Harry's father. I feel for ya, Snape. Hate it when that happens. Nice guys finish last.

We also get to see how Harry's parents were murdered by Voldermort and the scar on Harry's forehead is actually a ricochet from Voldermort's wand as he killed Lilly. Snape finds the dead bodies and makes a deal with Dumbledore to save Harry. So Snape wasn't all bad. But he's dead. That's usually how it works. He got redemption.

Harry heads to the woods. Voldermort pops him with a super blast dropping both of them. Harry has that white room is-this-heaven type talk with Dumbledore and plays dead til Voldermort and crew take him back to Hogwarts to declare their supremacy.

Voldermort breaks out into a "Harry's dead! Join me" type speech. One of the kids steps forward and gives a rousing diatribe about how Harry will always be with them and proceeds to pull the same sword that the troll had out of a hat and promptly gets sent flying by Voldermort's wand blast. Braveheart moment denied. Harry springs back to life and takes off running. Battle ensues again.

Voldermort goes after Harry. The snake goes after Ron and Hermione. After a fun wizardry duel, Harry grabs Voldermort and is prepared to die by sending them both off of a ledge. They fly all over the place trying to rip the faces off each other and land back at the court yard where they scramble for their wands and fire at each other. The kid sword wakes just in time to cut the head off the snake as it dives for Ron and Hermione. Voldermort feels the pain of the snake dying after a test of wills fire blast with Harry.

Voldermort gives it the ol' college try one more time and loses his life and wand in the process. Pieces of him chip away into oblivion. The good guys win. Harry breaks the Elder wand and tosses it off the bridge, gives a little bit of a speech and the 3 friends hold hands while staring off into the distance.

I deliberately left out a couple moments because it's actually worth paying for (2D version is what I saw). You have the story in a nutshell. It follows a pretty standard action script. Most of the back story can be recapped here.

I say it's definitely a summer movie worth watching even if you haven't seen the other films or are interested in Harry Potter. It may not be in the same category, but this is better than Thor and Green Lantern.

That said... I'm still not a Harry Potter fan, but it has definitely earned my respect.

*Image courtesy CNN/Warner Brothers

Harry Potter fans flock to premiere

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Not a Harry Potter fan, but I could watch the last film.

It's been coming for a while. Potter minions from near and far are gathering. The time has come. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Can you feel the excitement!? I can't. I must be one of those muggles. For me it's just another run of films I can't wait to fade into obscurity. Like when MTV played TLC's "Waterfalls" video at least twice every hour back in the 90's.

However, I will say that seeing the previews forced upon me at the start of each of the summer blockbusters I've watched has had a strange side effect. I think I want to see it.

I saw "The Prisoner of Azkahban" because a friend in the office invited me with her friends. I saw Order of The Phoenix for some reason I wasn't sure why.

But "The Deathly Hallows part 2"? Hmmm. A whole bunch of explosions, fighting, running for your life, dark halls of a wizard school, a bunch of wizards and witches firing off wand puls projectiles like a scene out of '300.'... This film looks kinda good.

On MSNBC, they show a video for folks like me. 7 Harry Potter films in 6 minutes. I got the gist of the back story on how everyone came to be where they are now which also helped me understand what I was watching in the two films I did see. So for those of you who are along for the ride at midnight for the premiere of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 or will see it another time or are only doing it because someone invited you, please watch this video.

May the force be with you... Or whatever they say to each other.

*Image from

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Be your own Disc Jockey on

Some days people can send you links to some of the craziest things. Today it was This isn't your regular Internet radio site. You actually get to pick the songs you want to play. As with most things that sound too good to be true, there is a catch.

The way it works is that there are chat rooms with 5 DJs spinning. Each DJ is a person playing a song they have uploaded from whatever genre or style the chat room is. Once the song is over, the spotlight moves to the next DJ. So on and so forth. A "Like or Lame" meter at the bottom of the screen can judge a DJ's choice of music along with the chat log on the right side of the screen and the movement of the avatars.

Speaking of Avatars, the more fans and DJ points you receive, the better avatars you can choose from. Everyone starts off with choices of dorky boys and girls avatars. From there it moves up various Hello Kitty-esque avatars and random characters from Cartoon Network, it seems. The highest ranking DJs I noticed had Deadmau5 as an avatar.

Music choices are all over the place. From various forms of dubstep all the way to country music and around indie rock. Folks are now bound by only the rooms listed. You can create your own. A Conquer Entertainment DJ Room in the near future would be pretty cool.

A couple things you should know: is still in "beta" which means there are kinks and glitches with the site that the developers are working on. But while they are fixing it, you get to play on the site. The site also doesn't work well with Internet Explorer so now is the time to try Firefox, Chrome or Safari as a web browser. Getting selected to be a DJ relies upon the speed of your index finger. Because there is no actual "que" for picking who goes next, although some rooms do have their own selection process.

However, with being able to create your own room to play your own music, this is definitely a way for independent artists to get their music out there without leaving the house.

*Image from

5 tips for spinning on the addictive

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Kids like you more when you have an iPad.

A couple weeks ago my small one bedroom condo became ground zero for my team of editors working on a project we submitted to the annual 48 Hour Film Festival. This is a great competition that gives filmmakers 48 hours to write, shoot and edit a seven minute film. We were under the gun to get the project done on time, but some of my teammates had families with kids that they invited over to my place while we were working through the final edits.

My place isn't very big and needless to say we were a little cramped for work space. With a packed house, lunch was delivered by our executive producer and her 3 children. Don’t get me wrong, I love kids and hers are great, always well behaved, but I could tell they were getting a little restless after around 10 minutes or so.

Being the great host I try to be, I wanted to find something to keep them entertained. As I was scrambling to find something, anything for the kids to do, I had a flashback to the night before when a producer kept going on about things he needed us to do while we were trying to focus on editing. I handed him my iPad, and coached him how to play some games and get online. He was content, quiet and kept to himself in the corner. I wondered, if it works on a grown man, could it work on children?

I broke out my iPad and the kids’ faces immediately lit up. "Oh Cool! You have Assassin's Creed!" one shouted out. Another editor handed his iPad over "Angry Birds!" the second kid gushed. What to do with the last child? I wasn't sure. It was at that point I wished I’d had a third for the young ladyt that was left out, but she waited patiently for her turn as her brothers played games. So I showed her how to use Apple TV while she waited for her turn. The mom looked at me in disbelief; I had actually found a way to silence her children. Does this mean that I am destined one day to be parent of the year? Let’s not go that far, but I was feeling pretty good about myself!

As they left, I heard a chorus of "Thanks, Louis!" To that, I say thank you, iPad.

The great thing that this story tells us is that the iPad is universally known by both children and adults, and is so simple to use that a toddler can find their way around this incredible piece of technology without breaking a sweat.

The iPad has over 90,000 Applications (Apps) that span from the office to education to the latest in video games. It’s a communication tool, as well as a way to access the internet, and take photos and video. It’s the Swiss pocket knife of technology.

Here are a couple notables for family life. There are apps that can work with office files. PDFs, Word, Excel and others can be read offline through different apps. They can also be viewed through Safari which is standard Mac Internet Browser. For road trips with the kids, the iPad can hold movies which can be downloaded from iTunes and enjoyed between the kids with a headphone splitter. Movies can be upwards of 1 or 2 gigabytes easily so this is where the difference between the 16 and 32 gigabyte storage on iPads takes place.

For the musician in the family, there are apps with guitar/bass tuners, amplifier effects and even a whole drum kit. iMovie for iPad allows you to do editing and uploading on the go.

For the reader, there is iBooks. No more searching around for to find the right book to read to the kids before bed. Just bring it up the app. And the iBooks app is free.

Along with education apps that involve English, science, math and history... There are coloring books! Yes there are apps for coloring books. Learn more about the educational apps at this link.

Is it worth the investment? I've found it to be and I think your family will as well.

Share with us some unique ways that iPad has changed your families lives. Tells us about ways that you think the iPad has helped your family, and how your kids use it.

Pick up an iPad 2 in black here.

Pick up an iPad 2 in white here.

*Image from CNN

5 reasons why the iPad was made to keep parents sane

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

With 4th of July coming up, leave the grilling to the experts

4th of July cookouts are a staple of being in the U.S. Burgers, steaks, hot dogs, chicken, corn... if it can be grilled, then it will be somewhere in America this weekend.

The problem is, not everyone grilling knows how to do it properly. You don't need to have top of the line equipment to make a great rack of ribs. You don't need to dump a whole bottle of lighter fluid on the charcoal and mimic a Woodstock bonfire. And pouring your favorite brand of light beer on a burger patties isn't the greatest method of keeping them moist.

I have a theory that most of these habits began in college. So I have a list of reasons why things may be the way that they are.

1. Not cleaning the grill before using it: You get used to not having full sets of dishes and utensils, matching furniture and when it comes to grill ware... there is most likely a spatula, tongs and a pitchfork. Iron brush for cleaning? Some inventive, yet lazy, soul said "It's OK, it adds flavor and besides, once the grill gets hot, it won't matter." A co-ed probably validated this statement by eating a burger cooked off the dirty grill and saying "Not too bad."

2. Pouring light beer on the burger: A secret recipe or a desperate attempt to save a dry burger that had been left on the grill too long? I think both are valid. In actuality, the theory is there for adding a hint of beer flavor to a burger like folks do with beer can chicken. The catch comes with a phrase every chef knows, "The flavor is in the fat." Light beer is usually light on flavor and the majority of light beers found near or around 21 year olds is probably Miller lite, Coors Light, Bud light or various cheap and generally flavorless options. These are also mostly water. By pouring light beer onto a sizzling burger, you are washing away the flavor and putting out the coals cooking the meat. Thus the temperature drops and the cooking time slows. Drink the beer. Spare the burger.

3. Flames sear in the flavor: Well... Yes and no. Any surface that is hot enough can sear. That's why you burn yourself getting into a hot car that's been sitting for a while. On a grill, the flames burn more than sear. Once you get the charcoal lit, give it a couple of minutes for the flames to die down before throwing the meat on there.

4. Poking the meat to see if it's done: We've all done it. It looks done. The meat is brown. Cutting each piece half way to check the middle is considered a lack of skill amongst your peers. So what do you do? You poke it, flip it again or roll it one last time. Oddly enough, this is probably where you start going back to the whole "Light beer should moisten it back up." concept.

5. "Here, you take over.": I get it... It's a party. The company and the cooler with the drinks are probably out of range and until the food is done, everyone is hanging out by the drinks. The problem is, being picked to grill is an honor later in life. In college, it was more of a means to an end and passed off to the next guy that happened to come along and sniff to see if the food is done.

So here's to being a little older and a lot wiser when it comes to how the food is prepared. I like marinades but nothing over 24 hours. Having a large grill doesn't automatically mean I have issues... it means I enjoy multiple heating zones on the grill. When it comes to the Charcoal vs. Gas debate... Let's just say I have an opinion on both, but one over the other won't break my 4th of July cookout.

Do you have any tips or tricks for people on the grill?

*Image from CNN

An open letter to my neighbors who are very bad at grilling

Friday, June 24, 2011

Gym, Tan, Laundry and Pink Slip?

According to TMZ, sources say season 5 of Jersey Shore will be the last. That's not saying they are gone for good. They'll have spin offs while MTV can hire some cheaper super tanned kids to run the main show.

Poor New Jersey... Just when you thought you were out, they pulled you back in.

*Image from TMZ.

MTV to 'Jersey Shore' Cast: Arrivederci For Good!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sonic The Hedgehog!

Another bit of nostalgia, Sonic The Hedgehog is 20 years old today. Those of us who remember the Sega Genesis are familiar with the video game. For those looking to bring some of it back, you can find working Sega Geneses (plural) on EBay for pretty cheap.

Does anyone know how old Street Fighter 2 is? Mortal Kombat?

Image from

Sonic turns the big 2-0 today.

Shazam helps you name that song you heard on the radio or TV.

We've probably all been there before. You're listening to a song on the radio and you've most likely caught it half way through. At the end of the song, the DJ goes into another one and the name of the song is never mentioned. What do you do? Drive around for another hour or two and wait for the song to come back on with an explaination from the DJ? Why don't you Shazam it?

Shazam is a free app(other versions go for $5.99 in the Apple App store) that you can get on iphone, android and blackberry that can tell what the song is and then tell you where to buy the song.

It doesn't work on people trying to sing the song from the few lyrics they know accapella. 3 folks in the office tried with me. If the app could laugh at us, it probably would.

I can't wait to try it out on various commercials.

*Image from

Shazam Raises A Huge Round To The Tune of $32 Million

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The 80's action cartoon challenge.

He-Man and The Masters Of The Universe, Transformers, Voltron, M.A.S.K., The Centurions, COPS, G.I. Joe, Thunder Cats, Captain Power and The Soldiers of The Future (Not to be confused with Captain Planet). These were shows I enjoyed in my pajamas and a bowl of frosted flakes. This week, Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch blog has been asking which characters did you like the most on the various shows. I have a feeling that this will end with a "Who is the greatest 80's cartoon character" question, but with so many cartoons being team oriented, it's only fair to pick the best team.

So here it is. Which 80's cartoon team can rule over all the rest and why?

My vote is G.I. Joe. Mainly because of man power. The 'Joe had the largest squad with varying abilities of all the members and even though the stories centered around the main characters, there were always extra soldiers around. G.I. Joe could overrun He-Man and his team. They have just as many machines as Transformers. If one lion goes down, Voltron can't form. M.A.S.K. would be the only other one who would pose a threat. There are only 3 centurions. If G.I. Joe took out Panthro and Cheetara, Lion-O wouldn't be much good. Captain Power could be a dark horse in that cartoon battle, though. Agree? Disagree?

Image from Collection

Who is the coolest 'He-Man' character?

Monday, June 20, 2011

".anything" As a website? It could happen...

Ever wondered how ".com", ".net" and others came about? Well a group called ICANN (Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers) are behind it and they've decided to up the ante a bit.

ICANN has opened up the Internet to having ".yourbrandhere". Of course, large companies like Coca-Cola will go after .Coke. The simplicity is awesome. And so could the comedy. .firstname.lastname, .Whatever, Acme.Anvil, .kanpai... the list goes on.

It stops being funny when we get to the money. Applications for domain names will cost $185,000 and it's not first come first served. For example. If Coke and Pepsi both wanted .Cola (And I bed they do), then there would be a bidding war.

Expensive undertaking? Yes. However, the ease of use and the expansion of choices will make it easier for some folks to get the name that they want instead of having to come up with sentences for website names. So! Who is ready to pitch in and buy a custom domain? .Woohoo!

*image from

Global Internet body to unleash domain names

Friday, June 17, 2011

Rebecca Black's 'Friday' pulled from Youtube

"It's Friday. Friday. Gotta get down on Friday.." If you haven't heard it, you are one of the lucky ones. Rebecca Black captured the morbid amusement of the internet with "Friday." A song butchered with autotune, terrible lyrics and an over 30 Usher Raymond look-alike rapping that seemed to be speeding in an effort to get to a party full of 14 year olds. As bad as it is, it had over 155 million Youtube views. But this Friday, it's gone.

Before anyone claims that the worst is over, it's only due to a dispute over Black's image. Ark Music Factory and Black's handlers are in a fight over her image and the money that goes with it. She was starting to fade from memory a little bit and this fiasco is just the thing needed to get her back in the spotlight.

So this begs the question, What music videos have you seen that are so bad, you wish they would be removed?

*image from

Rebecca Black YANKS 'Friday' Off YouTube

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Apple could be opening up a can of iWorms.

Go to any large venue for a concert and you will see a sea of lights. The band is playing a song that has some emotion to it and people breakout their lighters to hold in the air. That's how it used to be. Today, that light has been replaced with cell phone screens lighting up the concert. With camera technology today, people can record their own experience at live shows. Apple has a plan to stop that.

Imagine a system that will send an infrared signal and disable the camera in your iPhone at a concert. Throngs of teenagers with over 1,000 pictures of themselves and their friends on Facebook would be heartbroken. There would be no proof of the time that the lead singer called you up on stage. On the bright side, there would be no proof of you falling off the stage.

I see this idea from both sides. As someone who has filmed live shows, I would make money off of the sale of the DVD. However, the amount of people willing to buy it drops when folks can see all the clips posted on Youtube. If I was in the crowd, of course I'm going to take at least a picture of myself at a concert!

Other thoughts on this technology are:

What if celebrities used this when they are out to eat for a jog? Imagine seeing George Clooney walking toward you, you pull out your cell phone to take a picture and it says "Camera disabled" until he is more than 50ft away from you.

How many cameras does this work on? My DSLR camera has an infrared sensor too.

What if law enforcement used this? What if no one's cameras worked as they lined the streets for the president's inauguration. How about Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding in the UK? What if London had that in place so there would be no way to get that moment on your cell phone.

What if ladies could use this device if they feel like a camera is watching them in the bathroom? It would instantly disable any cameras a person my be using.

Our military used night vision goggles. Night vision uses infrared. Think about if one of these devices made it's way into terrorist hands.

What if you try to get video of your baby's first steps and cannot due to a neighbor using this device because he believes aliens and the government are watching him? (Really extreme thought, but you never know.)

With the right dampeners, this could be projected in theaters and thus eliminating a large chunk of movie bootlegging.

Last, but not least... Your remote control uses infrared. Who remembers having to change channels on the TV by walking over to it? Want to mess with a friend/enemy/random person? Park this device by their house.

Even though, this technology has been around for a while in some shape or form, I know Apple will turn out something small, portable and powerful.

*Image from

New Apple Technology Stops iPhones From Filming Live Events

Friday, June 10, 2011

Conquer Services wants you!... to take a survey.

I've run the gamut when it comes to arts and entertainment. I had a short lived stint as an artist until my drawing made a girl hyperventilate because she thought I made her look ugly. Art is subjective!

When it came to music, I've played guitar, bass, sang, wrote songs, been a recording engineer and a producer. Moved on to photography and now to video. In every area, there has been someone that has required pay for their services. The price and accessibility of various recording studios is what inspired me to learn how to do various things in an effort to cut costs. Two things I've learned is someone will always be better than you and you can do it all, but it'll wear you out.

So why not let someone do a little extra work for you once in a while? You've spent so long making sure that the song is perfect. Let a qualified sound engineer record it on a quality system. Why not let a photographer come in and snap some high resolution pictures that surpass the limits of the lead singer's girlfriend and her iPhone? Why not rock out on a professional video superior to your little brother's Flipcam?

This is what Conquer Services is planning. Imagine going to one spot to find the professionals you need instead of getting a lead from a friend of a friend or crossing your fingers for an email from Craigslist. The thing is, we can't do it without ya!

Conquer Entertainment would like for you to fill out this survey and let us know what kind of services you are looking for and already using so we can figure out how to make it better.

Conquer Services Survey

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Google says "Happy Birthday" to Les Paul

Les Paul made the most iconic guitars ever played. Ask a guitar player to rattle off types of guitars and he will most likely say that name.

In honor of Les Paul (1915-2009), Google turned their logo into a functioning guitar on the search engine page. Play with it here. It's probably only going to stay up through the end of today and then it'll be gone, but it's fun to mess with and for those who find they played something cool, there is a recording button.

*Image from techland
Search and Strum: Play a Tune on Google's Les Paul Doodle

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let Tim McGraw be a reminder for artists.

"We heard you play and you were great. We'd love to sign you to our label." Those are words I would've loved to heart writing songs and rocking out as a teenager. Part of me would still love to hear it, but I'd have to decline. I bet Tim McGraw wishes he knew then what he knows now.

According to the Tennessean, McGraw was signed to a 20 year/X amount of albums contract with specific lengths of time between releases. So lets say you've plowed through 5 albums. You are working on number 6 and it's ready to go. Then you find out the record company has released a "Greatest Hits" album with your name on it and you have to wait another year to release your 6Th record.

On top of that, the label now considers your 6Th album "older material" and wants you to write new songs. Congratulations, you would be an indentured servant. I'm not sure how to help Tim McGraw out of this one. Do we hurry up and buy the greatest hits album in the hopes that the record label will release his new CD early and he can be that much closer to breaking free or do we not buy any of his music in protest?

Doesn't Conquer Entertainment sound so much better? Make your own career. Start here.

*image from

Curb Records sues Tim McGraw over latest album

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Warmer weather and "Panda Haters" inspire trip to the zoo.

In CNN's News Stream blog, Kristie Lu Stout talks about pandas doing nothing and holding no value in the animal kingdom.

It got me thinking of catching a glimpse of a panda at the zoo. When was the last time you went to the zoo? I think my last time was when I was 8 or so. I think it's time to go back and see a panda. And someone tell them to make sure the frozen lemonade is ready.

Isn't about time to go see some wildlife? Log in to Market America and grab some tickets.

Confessions of a 'panda hater'

Thursday, April 21, 2011

New game systems in 2014. Might as well grab one.

I'm a recovering video game addict. I fall off the wagon every now and then thanks to apps like Need For Speed and Angry Birds on my iPhone. The one thing I don't have is a Wii, PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360. The hours I can spend in front of it are not conducive to paying the mortgage bill.

One reason I can justify for not getting a system is that they usually have another one in 5 years or less. Well, not this time. According to CNN, Gaming sites are reporting there will be no new Sony or Microsoft systems until around 2014. That's more than enough time to buy a PS3 or Xbox 360 and get your money's worth.

So why not get Cashback for buying them while you're at it? Click here for video games.

*image from CNN

No new PlayStation, Xbox until 2014?

Friday, April 15, 2011

To the movies this weekend!

The forecast for Saturday is rain. I think the forecaster said from mid morning until late Saturday night. I will be helping a local filmmaker on her movie, but my mind will be elsewhere.

Scream 4 and Rio are the newcomers to the theaters this week. I've seen every Scream and enjoyed them all. I can't believe it's been 15 years since the first one came out. Rio looks like a laughable kids movie that would definitely be worth some entertainment. I'll try to pick a time where I believe kids will be doing something else. Unfortunately, most of the Easter Egg hunts around here have been postponed on Saturday.

Hanna, Arthur, Source Code, Hop, Paul and Your Highness round out the list of movies I want to see ASAP. Alas, I will tinker with lights and cameras trying to make some local movie magic happen on Saturday.

What are your plans? Any movies you absolutely have to see? Tell us.

*image from Dreamworks/

Movies to suit your weekend mood.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

'Faith' hits the news!

Things are looking up for the release of "Faith" by Phil Stacey on Conquer Entertainment. The Greensboro News & Record released this story talking the new album with Phil Stacey, Amanda Ridinger and Dennis Franks.

USA Today has mentioned Conquer Entertainment and Phil Stacey multiple times in their "Idol Chatter" section.

Stay tuned for more info on Conquer Entertainment artists in the news!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ketchup: The saga continues.

After reading this story on arguing if Ketchup should be room temperature or refrigerated, I would definitely stand on the side of refrigeration. One of the points the author makes is "1) Cold ketchup is pretty gross, especially on hot food." My response to that is "Are you kidding? There is something about hot thick crinkle cut fries and cold ketchup. I'm indifferent to warm ketchup in that respect.

This also got me thinking about various other things that ketchup appears on. Last week, I took a buddy out to a diner and he put ketchup on his eggs. I thought it was a tad strange and then I took the ketchup and poured some on my steak. In high school, it was common practice to put ketchup on the rectangle pizzas for a flavor boost. Students who put mayo on their pizza and/or fries were ridiculed.

Have you ever been questioned about your use of ketchup? Tell us.

*image from

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Phil Stacey's 'Faith' helps "Build a soundtrack for your life."

Some would consider me a softy. For all the hard rock and rap I listen to, I have a soft spot for the song "Have A Little Faith In Me." Strangely enough, that is the first song on Phil Stacey's new CD "Faith" coming out on Tuesday March 29, 2011.

I had the joy of listening to the whole CD and I have to tell you that it kept my attention. Not much multi-tasking was done at all (Sorry, boss.) I sat there and listened. For all the craziness of the day, it was about 45 minutes of peace that was soothing, yet inspiring.

Something else to keep in mind is this album is a testament to the caliber and quality of artists that Conquer Entertainment and Market America are bringing to the table. Listen to Phil Stacey explain it in this new video.

In the video, Stacey say he wants to help "Build a soundtrack for your life." All you need to do is press "play."

Missed Phil Stacey's performance at World Conference? Watch the video for "Be Good To Each Other" here.

For more on Phil Stacey and to order the new album, click on his featured Artist page at ma MyWorld.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Music "Magic" is in the eye of the beholder.

In a recent article, Bon Jovi rips Steve Jobs by claiming he is 'killing' music with iTunes.

A paragraph that stands out says 'Bon Jovi tells The Sunday Times Magazine, "Kids today have missed the whole experience of putting the headphones on, turning it up to 10, holding the jacket, closing their eyes and getting lost in an album; and the beauty of taking your allowance money and making a decision based on the jacket, not knowing what the record sounded like, and looking at a couple of still pictures and imagining it."'

Bon Jovi and I had different experiences growing up.

At the crack of dawn one particular Saturday when I was around 14, I went to work part time at a flower shop. The owner wanted things moved out of a rickety old shed. Broken glass, sharp metal pieces that were discarded scraps from some aluminum contraption littered the floor. Didn't matter. It had to come up.

After that, it was on to the roses. And yes, every rose has it's thorns. The resulting mess of greenery and water attracted swarms of mosquitoes around our work tables outside. The owner said he forgot to mention that we should wear pants cause that happens a lot.

At the end of the day, the sun was going down and it was time to quit... and get paid. "Here ya go, son. That was a good day's work." he said handing me $15. From that point on, I learned that when anyone says "It's good work." or "A good day's work.", that usually means it's hard work.

But, I had enough to buy a CD.

Off to record store. This was around the time that stores were doing away with listening centers and all you got to listen to was whatever the store put on the player. I browsed the aisles looking for the CD that would stand out and decided on the newest release from an artist I'll choose not to mention. He had a great radio hit at the time and here it is... that CD. Yes!

I get home and put it in the CD player. I push the button for track 4 and it sounds nothing like what I heard on the radio. Maybe the song is a bonus track on the end of the CD... nope. Well maybe if I just listen to the CD, the song may be under another name... no go. The CD was terrible. The radio played the remix and never mentioned it. A trip back to the record store to return it was met with an "No Returns on CDs." sign.

What is a teenager supposed to do? I did the only thing I could think of. I threw the CD on the ground smashing it and stormed off hoping my protest was understood by someone in the store.

For that reason, I welcomed the dawn of the MP3. With websites like Conquer Entertainment, that allow you to listen to songs before you bought them, came an era where the product I receive for my money becomes exactly what I want and not potluck.

Bon Jovi goes on to say "God, it was a magical, magical time," he continues, "I hate to sound like an old man now, but I am, and you mark my words, in a generation from now people are going to say: 'What happened?' Steve Jobs is personally responsible for killing the music business."

What's "magical" was listening to CDs that I loved for hours. In a generation from now if my child asks "What Happened?" I'll say "You know that song you hate on the radio? Imagine finding out you hate the whole album after you spent your money on it."

*Image from MSN/AP

Jon Bon Jovi slams Steve Jobs for 'killing' music

Internet vs. Newspapers: Can't we all get along?

On any given day, I can run into the local grocery store and am usually stopped by someone trying to sell newspaper subscriptions. Each time I walk past and say "I already have a subscription." That's a lie.

Like a lot of other 30 somethings, I spend time in front of my computer or laptop. I have news feeds, Twitter, Facebook and a list of sites that I check regularly for local and world updates. It's become a habit the same way sitting down to read the paper with a cup of coffee is to others.

When it comes to using the iPad, I haven't fully integrated it into the fold. I still carry my laptop around. When it comes to a newspaper, if I see one, I'll still look at it, but in a less attentive way. However, writing a column and seeing it online is not the same as seeing it in a newspaper. I have had more than a couple stories appear in the local paper and I there is just something about it that can't be duplicated. I can only imagine what it is like for a parent who had a child's picture in the paper after winning an award.

I feel like there will always be a place for newspapers. Just not as the #1 source of news.

Do you still read the newspaper or have you gotten into the habit of reading the news from websites?

Tablets Not Yet A Newspaper Substitute, Telegraph Finds

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Behind the scenes with Justina

Conquer Entertainment artist, Justina has been busy as of late. Check out Justina's Conquer artist page for a whole host of new songs for your listening pleasure. One particular song stands out, Hard 2 The Body. I said to myself, "I hope she does a video for that one."

Lo and behold, my Jedi mind tricks of persuasion have worked and I was delighted to take a look at the behind the scenes footage of Justina's new video! Check it out here on YouTube!

Want more of Justina? Check out these links:


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Music lessons find a way without school funding

I remember music class in 5th grade. We were handed recorders and taught to play them in class. But something changed in 6th grade. It seemed like you needed to already know how to play an instrument and I didn't see anyone walking around with recorders. There were band try-outs and the only things to be taught were percussion instruments. I'm not a drummer.

I remember walking past the chorus room listening to the band practice the theme song from Jurassic Park. Some days I would stand there and listen and pick out the instruments that were off key or didn't seem to fit. Later on I thought "What if the song went this way..." and I would hum the revised tune to myself.

In high school, I don't remember any classes being offered to those who were beginners. Once again, band seemed like they had open spots were for percussion and maybe tuba. And then I heard Nirvana on the radio. Guitar. That's what I wanted to do. I wanted to rock.

You can't rock a tuba. (Later in life I found out that you can). School lessons for guitar? Not a chance. I got a job, stopped spending money on CDs and started saving up to buy a guitar and amp. The couple of books on how to play weren't much help. One day I did find a book on how to play the songs by Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Bush, Third Eye Blind and Metallica and that was an eye opener. I already knew how the song went so I just needed to learn how to finger the chords and play to the rhythm. After a bit of practice, something clicks and you can feel the music. People think it's some amazing feat to teach yourself how to play an instrument. A $20 book of chords and finger positions, a $30 book of songs that were easy to play from a band I loved and time to practice. It's that easy.

Feeling the music also comes with drawbacks like busted strings, sore fingers, broken straps and worn down picks. Things that kept me working at a fast food joint so I could pay for them.

Music helped me with life in general. By learning to play guitar, it didn't better my school work. Nor did it get worse. I didn't become a slacker who stayed at home and did drugs. Playing music was an outlet for creativity and stress relief.

I remember one night I had an argument with my late uncle about something that seems trivial now. The next afternoon, I came in the door and he asked where I had been. I told him I took the bus to work, paid a bill, bought some strings and took the bus home. When he asked why I didn't knock on his door for him to give me a ride to work, I told him I didn't want to fight before a long shift. He laughed and said. "And here I thought you ran away. Then I saw the guitar on your bed so I knew you were coming back."

Today, I wonder what I could've learned if they had guitar lessons at school. Then again, it would be focused on passing or failing. I enjoyed learning and studying. Best $50 bucks for books I ever spent.

*image from

LeAnn Rimes, Seal Upset About the Lack of Music Funding in Public Schools

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cookie resistance is futile.

You've probably already been solicited for Girl Scout cookies from the brownies outside of your local mart or their parents in the work place. This year, I haven't heard a peep.

Throughout the years, I've been one of those folks who didn't want to disappoint folks by telling them "no" and sometimes would end up with 14 boxes. Even when I would avoid them and let my girlfriend or my mother grab a box for me, I would still end up handing both or either one of them at least $10 because they would order what they thought I would want. That would be Caramel Delights and Thin Mints. I liked the lemon cookies and then they didn't seem to taste right after the Girl Scouts council switched to the reduced fat version. This year, I haven't been solicited once and it feels great.

In my new found freedom I realize that I want a box. Just one box. I can pace myself and have 1 or 2 cookies at a time, right? Gone are the days where the box would be devoured watching a half hour TV show... right? Ok, what about if I stick the box of Thin Mints in the freezer? Can I forget about them? Will I wait til the next day and buy some mint chocolate chip ice cream to go along with the frozen Thin Mints for dessert?

I have an idea, I'm only going to buy 2 boxes. The first order form or box placed in front of me will get the money. It shouldn't destroy my diet too much. It only comes around once a year.

What are your favorite Girl Scout cookies?

*Image from CNN

Working off the Girl Scout cookies

Monday, February 14, 2011

Beiber loss at Grammy's may be boon for fans.

For all the Justin Beiber fans spewing hatred after his loss at the Grammy awards show with hashtags like #beiberwasrobbed and #Esperanzawho, I have the same response as some others, #fallback.

The insults came pretty quick after Esperanza Spalding won Best New Artist. The tweets ranged from asking who Spalding was to one post claiming that was name of the lady that used to clean the twitter user's house.

A little research by Beiber fans would pull up that the Best New Artist award has a strange curse on it. Few live up to the hype after they win that award. So if you were to go by that theory, this was the kiss of death for Esperanza Spalding and Beiber has no where to go but up from here.

*image from CNN

Hell hath no fury like a Belieber scorned

Friday, January 28, 2011

2011 Miami World Conference Conquer Entertainment After Party Announcement

When: Friday February 4, 2011 10 p.m. - 2 a.m.

Where: Grand Central (Bar/Nightclub)
697 N. Miami Ave.
Miami, Fl 33136

Cost: Free entrance all night!

Conquer Entertainment would like to invite you to a special preview of some of our new artist at Conquer Entertainment’s yearly World Conference After Party, Friday February 4, 2011 at Grand Central, located in Downtown Miami.

Special Guests: Please join us for an exciting evening of dancing, cocktails and live music, as well as New York City’s top DJ mixing today’s top 40’s. We will also be celebrating our new partnership that we are extremely excited about with Phil Stacey of American Idol.

Live performances by:
Justina Click here for more info
Brandy Martel Click here for more info
Kimberly Wolff Click here for more info
The Varsity Girls

Music by:
DJ Ammo

Thursday, January 27, 2011

'Glee' and Kings of Leon still at odds.

Fox TV show, 'Glee', wanted "Use Somebody" from Kings Of Leon for one of the episodes. Kings Of Leon said "No." That should have been the end of it, right? Ha. Never.

In the first volley, lead singer Caleb Followill admitted that "Apparently, everybody loves it." when referring to Glee. So why wouldn't a popular band and a popular TV show not want to work together? According the story, Kings of Leon was at the end of a promotional tour and were tired of the song. They even denied the song to be played on a movie trailer and Ugly Betty.

In a no-holds-barred response, Glee creator Ryan Murphy, launched into an expletive filled tirade adding in that the band missed a chance to inspire children to get into music.

Advantage goes to Ryan Murphy for using a "Think of the children!" jab.

In what can be see as a 'save face' type of retort on THR, Caleb Followill explains that he had no intention of hurting the inspiration of children and that the band was merely done promoting the song. Followill claims he doesn't know where all the anger is coming from. I think his brother and KOL drummer knows.

Nathan Followill hopped on Twitter and sniped back at Ryan Murphy with a tweet that included telling him to get a manicure, buy a new bra and zip his lip. 2 hours later Followill apologized.

Is this feud over? Not sure. Seems like there is still a lot of bad blood. Will you be heartbroken if you never see Kings of Leon or hear their songs performed on Glee?

*Image from

Glee creator sticks it to Kings of Leon

Kings of Leon drummer throws his tweet in the ring

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are we ready for everything in 3D?

I will admit that Avatar in 3D was awesome. Well worth the money. The Last Airbender in 3D was a disappointment and Clash of The Titans was terrible. What about Toy Story 3? I looked at the cost of the ticket, looked at my wallet and decided to grab a sandwich and a flick out of the Redbox.

I'm just not that into 3D.

Though I've never had motion sickness from wearing the 3D glasses, my eyes water like crazy. The screen also seems darker than if it were being shown a 2D screen. And the biggest thing that most of us have found out is that if it wasn't created in 3D to begin with, it's not as fun.

And this isn't the kind of fun that needs to be had everyday. The morning newscast in 3D. Are you ready for that before you've had your coffee? The evening newscast i might be ok with. The newest late night infomercial in 3D. The annoying used car dealership commercial in 3D. "Hi. We're so and so from your local funeral home, IN 3D!"

Those are just a few. Things would inevitably take a turn for the worse when the 1 to 2 minute long commercials showing poverty stricken children in 3rd world countries appear in 3D. The ASPCA would run the same long commercials except with the sad faces of dogs and cats while Sarah McLauchlan plays in the background.

As it stands right now, I don't know if I could get used to that. Then again, the same was said for CDs, mp3s, DVDs and Blu-Ray. And since businesses are always pushing things to be the wave of the future, I'd still like to remind them that I don't have a hover board, a light saber or a car that flies. But I would buy all of those in a heartbeat.

*Image from Reuters

3D Images Make Millions Sick, Yet Tech Companies Push On

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bill Murray the only hold out on Ghostbusters III

Dear Mr. Murray,

Please read the Ghostbusters III script and do the movie. I am a fan of Ghostbusters and believe another movie would be perfect to reintroduce you guys and Slimer to a new generation who have no idea who the Gatekeeper or Zuul are. Show them a picture of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and they are oblivious to it's importance.

Failure to read the script and agree to filming in a timely manner may result in nerd rioting, a resurgence of Ghostbusters t-shirts and someone may "accidentally" trip the circuit on the Ecto Containment Unit... And we all know what happened the last time the ghosts were let out.

Thank you for your time, Bill Murray aka Dr. Venkman.


A not really obsessed, but still serious fan.

*Image from CNN

'Ghostbusters III' a no-go without Bill Murray

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bellamy Brothers Vs. Britney Spears: Did she rip off their song?

This looks like an interesting match up! In red corner, we have The Bellamy Brothers who feel Britney Spears ripped off their song "If I said you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"

And in the blue corner, we have another Britney Spears hit with a chorus line of "If I said I want your body now, would you hold it against me?"

Take a listen to clips of both songs here.

I think this is a match up with some faults.

First of all, it's a pick up line. Who gets to copyright that? It's cheesy, but you get a laugh out of it the first time.

Second, the music and vocal arrangements are different for both. And if you listen closely to the Bellamy Brothers song, you can sing "Two Pina Coladas" over it. So maybe Garth Brooks should have a finger pointed at him.

So here we have a pick up line that was put in a song from 1979. Fast forward 30+ years later and a pop star uses pretty much the same line for a techno song. I'd say it gets a pass. Play on, Britney. I am interested to hear the whole song from The Bellamy Brothers... you probably made a new fan.

Now if only DC Comics were to throw a fit about all the songs that have used the word "Superman" in them...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sorry kids, no Bieber Glee tribute episode

Even though Justin Bieber will appear in episode 13 in this season of Glee, it will not be a tribute show. According to the post by EW, Glee's Ryan Murphy says tribute shows are reserved for artists with bigger catalogs of music.

Bieber only has 3 albums: My World, My World 2.0 and My Worlds Acoustic. I figure one or two more albums and he should have enough of a stock for show writers to choose from.

All is not lost, however! One of the characters will be performing one of Bieber's songs. Stay tuned.

*Image from

No Justin Bieber Episode On Glee

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A new year of technology wars begin

The objective is to destroy Apple's products like the iPad and iPhone. Can Microsoft and Google do it? Probably not this year.

In the Technolog blog, the writer mentions Google's Android 3.0 operating system coming soon. That's all well and good but there are Android versions 1.6 and 2.0-2.3 in the market right now. From what I gather, the apps you may try to download may not work from one version to the next.

Microsoft announced Windows 7 for tablets. I have a question for both companies "Is that it?"

Meanwhile, AT&T has announced that the iPhone 3GS will have a price drop and you'll be able to find it for $49 with the a 2 year service subscription. The president of Verizon is quiet on the possible of appearance of the iPhone in his stores.

Seemingly unfazed by today's announcements, Apple has released the Mac App store. Games, music, business, utilities and more are available right now. I haven't been able to check for myself, but reports picture the pricing between free and $50.

It looks to be a fun beginning of the year as companies duke it out for our hard earned money. May be the best company win.

*Image from MSNBC

Fractured Android leaves orphan tablets behind