Thursday, March 31, 2011

'Faith' hits the news!

Things are looking up for the release of "Faith" by Phil Stacey on Conquer Entertainment. The Greensboro News & Record released this story talking the new album with Phil Stacey, Amanda Ridinger and Dennis Franks.

USA Today has mentioned Conquer Entertainment and Phil Stacey multiple times in their "Idol Chatter" section.

Stay tuned for more info on Conquer Entertainment artists in the news!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ketchup: The saga continues.

After reading this story on arguing if Ketchup should be room temperature or refrigerated, I would definitely stand on the side of refrigeration. One of the points the author makes is "1) Cold ketchup is pretty gross, especially on hot food." My response to that is "Are you kidding? There is something about hot thick crinkle cut fries and cold ketchup. I'm indifferent to warm ketchup in that respect.

This also got me thinking about various other things that ketchup appears on. Last week, I took a buddy out to a diner and he put ketchup on his eggs. I thought it was a tad strange and then I took the ketchup and poured some on my steak. In high school, it was common practice to put ketchup on the rectangle pizzas for a flavor boost. Students who put mayo on their pizza and/or fries were ridiculed.

Have you ever been questioned about your use of ketchup? Tell us.

*image from

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Phil Stacey's 'Faith' helps "Build a soundtrack for your life."

Some would consider me a softy. For all the hard rock and rap I listen to, I have a soft spot for the song "Have A Little Faith In Me." Strangely enough, that is the first song on Phil Stacey's new CD "Faith" coming out on Tuesday March 29, 2011.

I had the joy of listening to the whole CD and I have to tell you that it kept my attention. Not much multi-tasking was done at all (Sorry, boss.) I sat there and listened. For all the craziness of the day, it was about 45 minutes of peace that was soothing, yet inspiring.

Something else to keep in mind is this album is a testament to the caliber and quality of artists that Conquer Entertainment and Market America are bringing to the table. Listen to Phil Stacey explain it in this new video.

In the video, Stacey say he wants to help "Build a soundtrack for your life." All you need to do is press "play."

Missed Phil Stacey's performance at World Conference? Watch the video for "Be Good To Each Other" here.

For more on Phil Stacey and to order the new album, click on his featured Artist page at ma MyWorld.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Music "Magic" is in the eye of the beholder.

In a recent article, Bon Jovi rips Steve Jobs by claiming he is 'killing' music with iTunes.

A paragraph that stands out says 'Bon Jovi tells The Sunday Times Magazine, "Kids today have missed the whole experience of putting the headphones on, turning it up to 10, holding the jacket, closing their eyes and getting lost in an album; and the beauty of taking your allowance money and making a decision based on the jacket, not knowing what the record sounded like, and looking at a couple of still pictures and imagining it."'

Bon Jovi and I had different experiences growing up.

At the crack of dawn one particular Saturday when I was around 14, I went to work part time at a flower shop. The owner wanted things moved out of a rickety old shed. Broken glass, sharp metal pieces that were discarded scraps from some aluminum contraption littered the floor. Didn't matter. It had to come up.

After that, it was on to the roses. And yes, every rose has it's thorns. The resulting mess of greenery and water attracted swarms of mosquitoes around our work tables outside. The owner said he forgot to mention that we should wear pants cause that happens a lot.

At the end of the day, the sun was going down and it was time to quit... and get paid. "Here ya go, son. That was a good day's work." he said handing me $15. From that point on, I learned that when anyone says "It's good work." or "A good day's work.", that usually means it's hard work.

But, I had enough to buy a CD.

Off to record store. This was around the time that stores were doing away with listening centers and all you got to listen to was whatever the store put on the player. I browsed the aisles looking for the CD that would stand out and decided on the newest release from an artist I'll choose not to mention. He had a great radio hit at the time and here it is... that CD. Yes!

I get home and put it in the CD player. I push the button for track 4 and it sounds nothing like what I heard on the radio. Maybe the song is a bonus track on the end of the CD... nope. Well maybe if I just listen to the CD, the song may be under another name... no go. The CD was terrible. The radio played the remix and never mentioned it. A trip back to the record store to return it was met with an "No Returns on CDs." sign.

What is a teenager supposed to do? I did the only thing I could think of. I threw the CD on the ground smashing it and stormed off hoping my protest was understood by someone in the store.

For that reason, I welcomed the dawn of the MP3. With websites like Conquer Entertainment, that allow you to listen to songs before you bought them, came an era where the product I receive for my money becomes exactly what I want and not potluck.

Bon Jovi goes on to say "God, it was a magical, magical time," he continues, "I hate to sound like an old man now, but I am, and you mark my words, in a generation from now people are going to say: 'What happened?' Steve Jobs is personally responsible for killing the music business."

What's "magical" was listening to CDs that I loved for hours. In a generation from now if my child asks "What Happened?" I'll say "You know that song you hate on the radio? Imagine finding out you hate the whole album after you spent your money on it."

*Image from MSN/AP

Jon Bon Jovi slams Steve Jobs for 'killing' music

Internet vs. Newspapers: Can't we all get along?

On any given day, I can run into the local grocery store and am usually stopped by someone trying to sell newspaper subscriptions. Each time I walk past and say "I already have a subscription." That's a lie.

Like a lot of other 30 somethings, I spend time in front of my computer or laptop. I have news feeds, Twitter, Facebook and a list of sites that I check regularly for local and world updates. It's become a habit the same way sitting down to read the paper with a cup of coffee is to others.

When it comes to using the iPad, I haven't fully integrated it into the fold. I still carry my laptop around. When it comes to a newspaper, if I see one, I'll still look at it, but in a less attentive way. However, writing a column and seeing it online is not the same as seeing it in a newspaper. I have had more than a couple stories appear in the local paper and I there is just something about it that can't be duplicated. I can only imagine what it is like for a parent who had a child's picture in the paper after winning an award.

I feel like there will always be a place for newspapers. Just not as the #1 source of news.

Do you still read the newspaper or have you gotten into the habit of reading the news from websites?

Tablets Not Yet A Newspaper Substitute, Telegraph Finds

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Behind the scenes with Justina

Conquer Entertainment artist, Justina has been busy as of late. Check out Justina's Conquer artist page for a whole host of new songs for your listening pleasure. One particular song stands out, Hard 2 The Body. I said to myself, "I hope she does a video for that one."

Lo and behold, my Jedi mind tricks of persuasion have worked and I was delighted to take a look at the behind the scenes footage of Justina's new video! Check it out here on YouTube!

Want more of Justina? Check out these links:
