Thursday, January 6, 2011

A new year of technology wars begin

The objective is to destroy Apple's products like the iPad and iPhone. Can Microsoft and Google do it? Probably not this year.

In the Technolog blog, the writer mentions Google's Android 3.0 operating system coming soon. That's all well and good but there are Android versions 1.6 and 2.0-2.3 in the market right now. From what I gather, the apps you may try to download may not work from one version to the next.

Microsoft announced Windows 7 for tablets. I have a question for both companies "Is that it?"

Meanwhile, AT&T has announced that the iPhone 3GS will have a price drop and you'll be able to find it for $49 with the a 2 year service subscription. The president of Verizon is quiet on the possible of appearance of the iPhone in his stores.

Seemingly unfazed by today's announcements, Apple has released the Mac App store. Games, music, business, utilities and more are available right now. I haven't been able to check for myself, but reports picture the pricing between free and $50.

It looks to be a fun beginning of the year as companies duke it out for our hard earned money. May be the best company win.

*Image from MSNBC

Fractured Android leaves orphan tablets behind