Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are we ready for everything in 3D?

I will admit that Avatar in 3D was awesome. Well worth the money. The Last Airbender in 3D was a disappointment and Clash of The Titans was terrible. What about Toy Story 3? I looked at the cost of the ticket, looked at my wallet and decided to grab a sandwich and a flick out of the Redbox.

I'm just not that into 3D.

Though I've never had motion sickness from wearing the 3D glasses, my eyes water like crazy. The screen also seems darker than if it were being shown a 2D screen. And the biggest thing that most of us have found out is that if it wasn't created in 3D to begin with, it's not as fun.

And this isn't the kind of fun that needs to be had everyday. The morning newscast in 3D. Are you ready for that before you've had your coffee? The evening newscast i might be ok with. The newest late night infomercial in 3D. The annoying used car dealership commercial in 3D. "Hi. We're so and so from your local funeral home, IN 3D!"

Those are just a few. Things would inevitably take a turn for the worse when the 1 to 2 minute long commercials showing poverty stricken children in 3rd world countries appear in 3D. The ASPCA would run the same long commercials except with the sad faces of dogs and cats while Sarah McLauchlan plays in the background.

As it stands right now, I don't know if I could get used to that. Then again, the same was said for CDs, mp3s, DVDs and Blu-Ray. And since businesses are always pushing things to be the wave of the future, I'd still like to remind them that I don't have a hover board, a light saber or a car that flies. But I would buy all of those in a heartbeat.

*Image from Reuters

3D Images Make Millions Sick, Yet Tech Companies Push On