Thursday, June 23, 2011

Shazam helps you name that song you heard on the radio or TV.

We've probably all been there before. You're listening to a song on the radio and you've most likely caught it half way through. At the end of the song, the DJ goes into another one and the name of the song is never mentioned. What do you do? Drive around for another hour or two and wait for the song to come back on with an explaination from the DJ? Why don't you Shazam it?

Shazam is a free app(other versions go for $5.99 in the Apple App store) that you can get on iphone, android and blackberry that can tell what the song is and then tell you where to buy the song.

It doesn't work on people trying to sing the song from the few lyrics they know accapella. 3 folks in the office tried with me. If the app could laugh at us, it probably would.

I can't wait to try it out on various commercials.

*Image from

Shazam Raises A Huge Round To The Tune of $32 Million