Monday, February 14, 2011

Beiber loss at Grammy's may be boon for fans.

For all the Justin Beiber fans spewing hatred after his loss at the Grammy awards show with hashtags like #beiberwasrobbed and #Esperanzawho, I have the same response as some others, #fallback.

The insults came pretty quick after Esperanza Spalding won Best New Artist. The tweets ranged from asking who Spalding was to one post claiming that was name of the lady that used to clean the twitter user's house.

A little research by Beiber fans would pull up that the Best New Artist award has a strange curse on it. Few live up to the hype after they win that award. So if you were to go by that theory, this was the kiss of death for Esperanza Spalding and Beiber has no where to go but up from here.

*image from CNN

Hell hath no fury like a Belieber scorned