Thursday, May 27, 2010

Disney kills off Soapnet.

A story book twist is in the works. One with dramatic pauses as the screen fades to commercial. One with over the top crying. One set to destroy your favorite soap opera stars! Or at least it would seem that way to those of us who work during the day. Disney has decided to kill off Soapnet. *cues dramatic music and fades to commercial*

Unlike Sheila from the Young and the Restless, It's really dead. Murdered in it's prime. The General Hospital couldn't save it. It only had One Life to Live. Such goes the way of The Bold and the Beautiful. If only we had calmed the Young and the Restless... maybe given them a Guiding Light, this wouldn't have happened. How hard is it to say These are the Days of our Lives? How will the 9-5 crowd go on? Let's just say I bet people over at the cable companies, Dishnetwork and Direct TV just popped open a couple bottles of champagne and canceled some vacation time for workers in their advertising department. DVR stock just jumped.

Either catch your soaps on your lunch break, get a DVR or watch it online the next day. Farewell Soapnet. A rose for something so sweet @>-->------.

Disney gives Soapnet the Ax