Already the top selling MP3 player with the iPod, today Apple introduced a redesigned Apple iPod Shuffle. While the iPod Shuffle still doesn't have a display, it now talks to you -- and even allows you access to multiple playlists! Oh, and did I mention, it is buttonless as well and comes in one size and one small size only, 4 GB!
Here's a short video on the new Apple iPod Shuffle!
Features include:
- -Use VoiceOver to find out what track is playing (in 14 languages)
- -Buttonless design
- -Manage multiple playlists
- -4GB of storage (holds 1,000 songs)
- -Comes in black or silver
- -Anodized aluminum case
- -1.8" tall x 0.3" thin
- -Priced at $79
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